Sunday, November 14, 2004

The People in my Neighborhood...

Abby has told me that I'm "sucking at putting up pictures", so I figure I shall use this forum to show a little more about my life here.

First, with Blair buying the house 'round the corner, there were a lot of articles about the 'hood, so, here's one to check out the streets where I live.

Following on that are a host of pictures that should give you a fair feel for the flat...think of it as a tourist brochure, and come and visit sometime! Still need to do more about the wall art or lack thereof (although some interesting art did come with the place: Matisse prints = good. Rabbi and scroll oil painting? = not so much.

And please be sure to read on after that...I'm quite proud of my Bridget-themed post but no one seems to have responsed. Sigh...what's a girl gotta do to get people to comment on her blog?


At 3:36 AM, Blogger Kathy said...

I would certainly have commented on the Bridget Jones-esque posting, but I was off-line on the Cooperstown mini-break. (Which was great, btw) LOVE LOVE LOVE the flat! It's so homey and so you! Am actually thinking of you right now as I drink a glass of wine and watch Cold Mountain (mmmmmm......Jude Law). The last posting sounded like you were having such a good time! Who are the girls? How did you meet them? I can't wait to see you next weekend and hear all about it.......I must start looking at plane tickets. London in December anyone?

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Catherine said...

I don't about this place. Unlike Boston flats, the floor appears to actually be flat and the walls don't have cracks in the plaster - what's up with that? I don't see any dirty slushy snow in the neighborhood pictures either. How can you stand living there? Never mind me, I'm just bitter because I have a nasty cold.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger kelly said...

It's the perpetual blanket of gray mist that keeps me going - who needs Vitamin E?!
The color of the dirty slush on the curb? The color of the sky here...constantly. I always come in wet, even when it's not actually raining...
That said, when it -is- sunny, it's quite an attractive place to live :)

At 2:51 PM, Blogger mags said...

It is soo cute! I can't wait to come visit, and as Cat says go to an apartment in a city with slopping walls and other odds and ends!


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