Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Another day at the office in Boston, and while I am very physically here - mentally I am anywhere but. I'm listening to Elliott Smith and kind of staring out the window...

I've been reading this article on Slate the subject of which is: "Should I move to Amsterdam". Today, the author focused on the Dutch/European lifestyle (sharing red wine in the park) compared to that of the U.S. (fast food in the car). It is a very attractive prospect, I think, and brings home a lot of what I am dissatisfied about in my current life. (see here: http://www.slate.com/id/2124561/entry/2124563/)

While I try to bring moments like this to my life wherever I am, it's easier when you feel as though you are going with the flow rather than fighting to make some space. My friends from work and I decided to walk home last night, and wanted to leave relatively early to do so ("early" being 5.30 - 6 pm) - finally made it out the door, battling again, at 6.30, but did have a nice 1.5 hour stroll over the river and through Cambridge to home. Today, the goal is a nice picnic lunch by the harbour. Most time is spent discussing work, and potential lives beyond (we're all on board with getting out early 2006) but still... it shouldn't feel like a big and onerous acheivement to sit for 45 minutes. And yet I can surf the net and waste time with impunity while in the office - I don't even understand myself.


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