Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Gee - no divided country here...

Mamma mia - the latest in a series of email forwards primarily consisting of "blue staters" spouting off at "red staters" actually has me quite taken aback. Don't get me wrong, I found myself nodding along most of the time - feeling "yeah!" and "that's right!" but still...what the hell is wrong with our country???
See: Fuck the South

Also, Red Sox Nation - Literally

And United Cities of America

Back to add:
apparently, I'm not the only one this has struck today...see the cover article on Salon.com for a more articulate view...

I'm just not sure quite what to make of it all...but it sure as heck worries me a bit.


At 5:04 PM, Blogger Kathy said...

I know!!! Even though they are funny and I find myself laughing, the underlying sentiment makes me uncomfortable. One that will actually make you feel better about the hope of finding some common ground in the future is http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A50174-2004Nov14.html?referrer=emailarticle

Because how are we ever going to get past this and unite as a country again if all we do is point fingers and feel self-righteous (whichever side we're on)


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