A True Patriot
From Today's Boston Globe...
"John J. Holmes, for instance, tried for more than a year to sell his Victorian home within walking distance of Lexington Center. Two weeks after the terrorist attacks, Holmes, who owns a heating oil company, held an auction to sell the meticulously restored, four-bedroom home, built in 1885.
But Holmes and his wife, Irena, rejected offers of $1.2 million, $1.3 million, and $1.35 million, because they believed the property was worth closer to $2 million.
''Why should I settle for less than the home's value because terrorists drove an airplane into some buildings?'' Holmes asked. ''It was a horrible tragedy, but Osama bin Laden wins if we let him destroy our lifestyle.''
Yes, John Holmes, keep up the fierce fight. You are, indeed, a true patriot.