Thursday, October 28, 2004

Pigs Fly Over a Frozen Hell


I can't believe it happened - tears in my eyes, just a little...

I'm so happy and yet sad at the same wanted to be in Boston for this - and the parade, too. Unbelievable!!!!! The biggest event in Boston history since the Tea Party.

Whenever I start to feel ticked that I'm not in Boston, or that they couldn't at least drag it to 6 or 7 games so I could head in for the weekend to feel the energy (which is decidedly lacking in my basement flat), I think, and this may sound weird,....of Nomar.

I like to think that it was that little injection of philly power that brought us here - Schilling and Francona both - and while I'm thrilled and stunned and happy and proud to wear my Red Letter B around London Town...I know that what I feel is nothing compared to the generations of New Englanders who have waited, not about 15 years for this, but 50 or more - who've truly had their hearts broken - who've bonded with fathers and sons and daughters - who finally feel deeply and truly redeemed. Season ticket holders, folks who have listened to games on transistor radios for years - I'm proud to feel even a small part of that. What will this mean for Red Sox Nation's Collective Identity, which has been built on the curse, the victimhood, the perennial underdog, the damn yankees...well, questions to contemplate another day.

Yay Red Sox!

Hope you all are safe back in Boston - stay away from the craziness!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

I Believe!

Wow - what a great game! They never make it easy - during the bottom of the first, I thought it'd all be clover - I mean, this was just looking like a smackdown. The foolish first blush of hubris - they strung it out. They gave us those heart-stopping moments, those emphatic Dammit!s, but then pulled it out. So, are we in for a week of long-ass games like the past one? I don't know how many 5.30 pm bedtimes I can handle during the week!

So, this morning I'm logged on to get my morning-afterglow. All they're showing on the tv here includes "My Favorite Hymns" and a production of Pride & Prejudice that seems all well and normal save for the fact that a Jack Russell terrier is playing Mr. Darcy (qua?)

Go sox!!!